Renault Group: half-year report on the liquidity contract

Regulated Information

July 11, 2023


Under the liquidity agreement entered into between Renault SA and Exane BNP Paribas, the following resources appeared on the liquidity account on June 30, 2023:

  • EUR 24,762,642

In the first half of 2023, were carried out:

  • 24,346 purchase transactions for 4,816,809 shares and EUR 177,991,536
  • 32,349 sale transactions for 4,898,720 shares and EUR 180,777,511

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For information, as of the date of the signature of the liquidity agreement, on July 10, 2022, the following resources were allocated to the liquidity account:

  • 0 share,
  • EUR 25,000,000.

In addition, the aggregated data for each trading day (number of transactions and volume traded, both for purchases and sales, in terms of number of shares and capital) are summarised in the table below:



Buy Sell
Quantity Number of transactions Amount
(in €)
Quantity Number of transactions Amount
(in €)
2023-01-02 1 282 6 40 319 35 282 95 1 133 963
2023-01-03 61 250 202 2 044 623 62 500 343 2 090 675
2023-01-04 11 500 63 387 910 35 000 175 1 188 289
2023-01-05 45 000 216 1 562 382 50 000 286 1 740 750
2023-01-06 45 000 225 1 580 697 57 500 357 2 026 329
2023-01-09 60 000 298 2 140 440 55 000 322 1 964 974
2023-01-10 38 500 196 1 380 598 48 500 234 1 742 382
2023-01-11 42 755 240 1 580 545 42 755 276 1 582 097
2023-01-12 57 588 301 2 155 254 58 294 334 2 185 844
2023-01-13 60 000 127 2 205 762 55 000 264 2 028 252
2023-01-16 18 971 118 701 971 18 115 119 670 929
2023-01-17 60 200 334 2 253 852 60 200 472 2 256 681
2023-01-18 45 377 229 1 728 637 30 377 135 1 160 459
2023-01-19 62 500 114 2 277 063 62 500 395 2 283 706
2023-01-20 62 000 275 2 255 250 62 000 417 2 257 457
2023-01-23 31 000 218 1 140 788 41 000 198 1 511 830
2023-01-24 45 000 169 1 678 977 45 000 259 1 680 152
2023-01-25 60 754 277 2 294 029 50 754 260 1 920 196
2023-01-26 47 200 248 1 755 283 57 700 378 2 151 402
2023-01-27 53 443 303 2 030 535 58 443 337 2 223 879
2023-01-30 30 000 107 1 137 000      
2023-01-31 17 500 131 641 981 32 500 262 1 192 828
2023-02-01 43 500 275 1 637 649 50 000 346 1 885 335
2023-02-02 56 045 228 2 139 344 59 375 381 2 272 121
2023-02-03 60 750 401 2 363 485 60 750 446 2 366 777
2023-02-06 61 000 347 2 373 638 61 000 510 2 377 402
2023-02-07 26 000 223 1 044 805 46 000 143 1 848 593
2023-02-08 60 000 459 2 460 378 60 000 421 2 464 164
2023-02-09 17 000 111 703 506 22 000 141 911 827
2023-02-10 66 500 470 2 771 634 58 055 382 2 424 104
2023-02-13 7 500 68 309 215 15 000 85 619 425
2023-02-14 60 000 279 2 492 886 60 000 357 2 496 000
2023-02-15 41 400 332 1 764 617 43 900 285 1 873 836
2023-02-16 56 250 219 2 429 961 51 250 384 2 223 010
2023-02-17 71 450 219 3 076 894 55 420 325 2 390 830
2023-02-20 60 000 222 2 521 224 48 000 377 2 020 853
2023-02-21 60 000 252 2 471 244 56 989 251 2 352 962
2023-02-22 55 329 345 2 244 609 55 329 426 2 246 335
2023-02-23       13 500 59 555 237
2023-02-24 70 232 263 2 882 904 57 732 345 2 372 479
2023-02-27       25 000 102 1 033 855
2023-02-28 64 805 330 2 717 656 70 411 483 2 959 536
2023-03-01 72 000 318 3 062 297 70 000 439 2 982 595
2023-03-02 67 050 403 2 798 882 72 050 476 3 013 815
2023-03-03 16 750 150 721 776 16 750 46 723 275
2023-03-06 32 500 138 1 396 746 5 000 32 215 500
2023-03-07 35 750 163 1 515 732 35 750 347 1 518 288
2023-03-08 17 500 115 740 735 17 500 88 742 051
2023-03-09 40 000 150 1 671 052 17 031 107 718 672
2023-03-10 38 000 118 1 514 399 38 000 187 1 517 674
2023-03-13 65 000 251 2 524 048 40 000 187 1 555 900
2023-03-14 35 000 169 1 334 876 57 649 236 2 219 239
2023-03-15 60 000 214 2 268 624      
2023-03-16 45 798 142 1 661 139 51 798 280 1 897 480
2023-03-17 61 500 240 2 240 586 25 974 154 958 880
2023-03-20 65 200 369 2 283 056 65 200 387 2 287 301
2023-03-21 49 000 269 1 783 022 62 526 411 2 279 310
2023-03-22 26 000 195 957 726 33 000 172 1 218 268
2023-03-23 59 900 312 2 206 231 59 900 502 2 208 477
2023-03-24 60 000 150 2 128 074 35 000 287 1 228 126
2023-03-27 9 530 58 344 003 39 530 214 1 433 263
2023-03-28 53 415 343 1 956 202 53 415 358 1 958 498
2023-03-29 51 640 361 1 892 503 63 410 556 2 327 813
2023-03-30 5 000 16 187 250 17 500 59 656 117
2023-03-31 36 500 178 1 366 976 39 000 365 1 462 442
2023-04-03 30 000 140 1 128 924 50 250 444 1 902 435
2023-04-04 12 773 96 497 934 36 273 221 1 419 888
2023-04-05 42 500 157 1 583 376 42 500 358 1 588 735
2023-04-06 17 232 119 631 472 27 798 271 1 020 990
2023-04-11 22 500 93 835 405 28 184 138 1 048 952
2023-04-12 16 000 106 598 469 16 000 52 599 426
2023-04-13 11 500 78 428 387 20 000 116 749 036
2023-04-14 62 470 261 2 343 631 67 000 579 2 517 940
2023-04-17 61 378 316 2 282 451 37 378 331 1 391 609
2023-04-18 8 500 34 313 269 11 900 41 439 905
2023-04-19 69 500 329 2 478 759 69 500 547 2 483 103
2023-04-20 60 300 109 2 105 001 12 300 109 423 638
2023-04-21 52 000 294 1 721 866 52 000 331 1 723 306
2023-04-24 33 234 207 1 101 185 33 234 254 1 102 103
2023-04-25 8 200 46 270 079 13 200 74 436 569
2023-04-26 80 250 359 2 630 547 80 250 727 2 633 612
2023-04-27 13 000 83 429 342 13 000 45 430 275
2023-04-28 50 000 140 1 661 070 53 000 374 1 762 494
2023-05-02 70 000 299 2 342 487 55 698 403 1 866 273
2023-05-03 43 755 237 1 422 248 48 755 304 1 588 804
2023-05-04 70 250 338 2 237 406 70 250 672 2 239 598
2023-05-05       15 000 78 481 250
2023-05-08 40 000 211 1 304 052 40 000 222 1 306 724
2023-05-09 28 000 116 912 576 28 000 150 914 645
2023-05-10 30 000 163 990 843 30 000 195 992 589
2023-05-11 20 000 112 666 078 20 000 101 668 026
2023-05-12 36 000 248 1 208 750 36 000 313 1 210 630
2023-05-15 20 000 129 672 346 10 000 94 337 640
2023-05-16 25 000 118 824 200 10 000 105 330 250
2023-05-17 21 250 170 687 450 24 750 189 802 242
2023-05-18       18 905 54 628 502
2023-05-19 28 000 145 941 839 13 886 68 468 244
2023-05-22 18 244 132 612 292 28 244 222 948 668
2023-05-23 22 500 123 753 800 27 500 206 922 600
2023-05-24 25 000 67 824 275      
2023-05-25 20 000 76 648 380 25 000 195 813 450
2023-05-26 61 000 392 1 982 714 61 125 477 1 987 981
2023-05-29 17 500 75 579 675 2 500 12 83 550
2023-05-30 21 019 91 692 357 21 019 92 696 845
2023-05-31 57 760 289 1 858 705 43 760 423 1 411 483
2023-06-01 23 550 91 741 053 30 500 226 961 000
2023-06-02 8 000 56 257 930 32 750 170 1 064 136
2023-06-05 10 000 57 330 875 25 000 172 830 808
2023-06-06 12 335 43 407 466 14 515 66 480 326
2023-06-07 45 000 181 1 486 904 25 000 207 828 000
2023-06-08 7 600 31 250 022 25 100 121 830 416
2023-06-09 35 418 177 1 163 977 40 418 373 1 330 104
2023-06-12 9 750 49 325 992 20 826 139 698 983
2023-06-13 40 000 249 1 363 240 40 000 299 1 363 860
2023-06-14       25 000 46 878 218
2023-06-15 37 000 214 1 314 566 40 000 314 1 426 768
2023-06-16 31 500 180 1 161 824 31 500 203 1 163 802
2023-06-19 25 500 181 944 002 25 500 132 945 025
2023-06-20 40 157 154 1 451 864 16 957 134 613 141
2023-06-21 10 000 49 358 763 19 200 57 692 179
2023-06-22 50 000 260 1 760 795 50 000 373 1 762 735
2023-06-23 45 720 401 1 617 793 48 720 332 1 727 558
2023-06-26 31 300 144 1 102 984 31 300 285 1 104 198
2023-06-27 34 500 268 1 237 391 42 911 325 1 541 119
2023-06-28 37 500 233 1 362 664 37 500 324 1 365 128
2023-06-29 27 750 320 1 051 528 47 750 259 1 822 135
2023-06-30 30 000 248 1 160 790 30 000 148 1 163 124
 TOTAL 4 816 809 24 346 177 991 536 4 898 720 32 349 180 777 511

The liquidity agreement is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the French Financial Markets Authority’s decision n°2021-01 of June 22, 2021, renewing the establishment of liquidity contracts as an accepted market practice.


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  • RG_Half-year report on the liquidity contract_H1 2023

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